McVerSi: A Test Generation Framework for Fast Memory Consistency Verification in Simulation

mc2lib: Simulator Independent C++ Library

mc2lib — C++ library for the simulator-independent aspects of McVerSi. It includes:

  • Memory consistency descriptions and a checker;

  • Test generation integrating MCM descriptions;

  • A simple GA/GP library.

API documentation.


Notable extensions that have been added after publication of the McVerSi paper:

  • Support for synonym sets of virtual addresses mapping to same physical address.

Gem5 Integration

A cleaned up version (with empty coverage computation to be filled by designer) of our McVerSi implementation for Gem5 is currently provided as a patch (includes mc2lib). Steps to use this patch with Gem5:

  1. The patch has been tested on top of changeset 11520;

  2. Compile with supported architecture, currently ARM or X86;

  3. Compile the guest workload in contrib/mcversi with the correct version of m5op in target FS disk image; if you are in a hurry, you can get pre-compiled binaries here;

  4. Take a checkpoint with cpu-type=timing;

  5. Restore from checkpoint and run with cpu-type=detailed and load guest_workload with appropriate parameters (other CPU types need adding the same hooks as is done for O3).

The debug flag McVerSi is provided to monitor progress if needed, as well as the current test’s threads are written to m5out/mcversi_*.bin (only in debug builds). Upon finding a MCM violation, the cyclic relation is output to m5out/mcversi_*.dot. Debugging would involve:

  1. Inspecting the cycle and gathering the events and their addresses involved;

  2. Identifying the corresponding instructions in mcversi_*.bin and understand what should have happened;

  3. Identify the last verify() step that passed, and its curTick;

  4. Re-run Gem5 with the same parameters and set a break point at the tick of the verify() before the violation;

  5. Record relevant trace of test iteration that is causing a violation;

  6. Analyze trace …

Known Found Bugs

The 2 bugs in Gem5 from the McVerSi paper:

  1. (patch in upstream)



  1. Classic cache not forwarding invalidation to CPU after replacement

  2. LSQ does not respect virtual address synonyms when forwarding from SQ