▼Nmc2lib | |
▼Ncodegen | Code generation for memory consistency verification |
▼Narmv7 | Implementations of Operations for ARMv7 (incomplete) |
▼CBackend | |
CHelper | |
CDelay | |
CRandomFactory | |
CRead | |
CReadAddrDp | |
CReturn | |
CWrite | |
▼Nstrong | Implementations of Operations for strong memory consistency models |
CBackend | |
CBackend_X86_64 | |
CCacheFlush | |
CDelay | |
CRandomFactory | |
CRead | |
CReadAddrDp | |
CReadModifyWrite | |
CReadSequence | |
CReturn | |
CWrite | |
CCompiler | Top level class used to manage code generation (compiler) |
CEvtStateCats | Interface to memconsistency::cats data structures |
CMemOp | |
CNullOp | |
COp | |
CRandInstTest | |
▼Nmcversi | Implementations of algorithms from McVerSi paper |
CCrossoverMutate | |
▼Nmemconsistency | Various formal models for expressing memory consistency semantics |
▼Ncats | Memory consistency model framework based on "Herding cats" |
CArch_ARMv7 | |
CArch_SC | |
CArch_TSO | |
CArchitecture | |
CArchProxy | |
CChecker | |
CExecWitness | |
▼Nmodel12 | Memory consistency model framework based on 2012 FMSD paper |
CArch_SC | |
CArch_TSO | |
CArchitecture | |
CChecker | |
CExecWitness | |
CError | |
▼CEvent | |
CHash | |
▼CIiid | |
CHash | |
▼Nsets | Sets and maps exposed in a restricted set of set theory |
▼CRelation | |
CR_impl | |
CRelationOp | |
CRelationSeq | |
CSet | Abstracts over container library's set implementation |
CTypes | Helper class to instantiate types used by Set, Relation, etc |
▼Nsimplega | Simple Genetic Algorithm library |
CGenePool | Helper to manages and evolve a populates |
CGenome | Simple Genome interface |
▼Ntypes | Common types |
CTypes | Template class of common types, permitting specialization |