Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 NcodegenCode generation for memory consistency verification
 Narmv7Implementations of Operations for ARMv7 (incomplete)
 NstrongImplementations of Operations for strong memory consistency models
 CCompilerTop level class used to manage code generation (compiler)
 CEvtStateCatsInterface to memconsistency::cats data structures
 NmcversiImplementations of algorithms from McVerSi paper
 NmemconsistencyVarious formal models for expressing memory consistency semantics
 NcatsMemory consistency model framework based on "Herding cats"
 Nmodel12Memory consistency model framework based on 2012 FMSD paper
 NsetsSets and maps exposed in a restricted set of set theory
 CSetAbstracts over container library's set implementation
 CTypesHelper class to instantiate types used by Set, Relation, etc
 NsimplegaSimple Genetic Algorithm library
 CGenePoolHelper to manages and evolve a populates
 CGenomeSimple Genome interface
 NtypesCommon types
 CTypesTemplate class of common types, permitting specialization